Communicating with the world.
I’ve spent the last 6 years learning what I can about photography and also discovering a lot about myself along the way. Photography has changed the way I look at the world but has also given me a chance to take a good look at myself.
I’m quite a shy person. I’m confident and comfortable around family and friends but put me in a social situation with many unfamiliar faces and I quickly feel out of my comfort zone.
I have become better at this over the years and the social side of photography has certainly helped.
‘If you can speak photography, you can communicate with the world’.
Feeling uncomfortable may be down to my lack of language skills. As I wrote the other day in a exchange with a friend ‘I speak simply but I think deeply’. It’s not that I’m uneducated, actually I did quite well at school. I just seem to find it hard to verbalise my thoughts and feelings.
Photography is my preferred language. It’s a universal language as well so if you can speak photography, you can communicate with the world.
With this website and the start of this blog I will hopefully be able to communicate with a wide audience my own vision of the world around me. From intimnate family moments to images of the wonderful landscapes of the UK and abroad.
The camera is a wonderful tool and I will always do my best to use it well. Hopefully you will understand what I am trying to say.